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 A newsletter for curious grownups short on time 

We’ve taken our favourite bits from the web and bundled them up into one email so that you spend less time searching, and more time playing



Every month this creative edit will pop into your inbox 


Table Topic 

A short fact to make kids (or adults) oooh, aaaaah and eat their vegetables at the dinner table


High Five

Our top 5 web picks from the week- a lucky dip covering all things play, kids, science and technology


Good stuff

One kids book that will make your heart sing and one product that will make your life easier peasier


Our Promise

We will not pester you.

We will not send you crap.

We will not have ads.

We will send you funny, short, simple content that makes it easier to find the good stuff on the web.

So you can get back to living your life, and if you have kids, keeping them creative, happy and out of the bathroom whilst you’re trying to have a poop and a moment to yourself.

We hear you. 

Take a peek at a previous edition here👀
