Talu Tales was created to close the gender gap
Less than one fifth of best selling children’s books feature Female leads…
Talu Tales was created to close the gender gap
Less than one fifth of best selling children’s books feature Female leads…
Hello, we’re Deb and Annabel
The creators of Talu Tales! We met whilst working in Google’s creative labs.
One day when we were building a prototype musical jellyfish out of bubble wrap, we *zinged* over our shared passion for storytelling, science, design and female representation.
A magical, marvellous thing that
👩🚀 Brings visibility to women soaring through space, leading nations, hunting fossils and saving our oceans.
✨Is full of magic because that is something that pleases us greatly.
👩🔬 Makes learning about STEM fun, because it is! Sometimes it’s just taught boringly.
Talu Tales story cards make it easy for big and little humans to make up their own creative stories.
Our picture book series tells stories of incredible female leads going on inspiring adventures.
Our stories extend into activity sheets that engage young kids in STEM learning and assist teachers.