Hi Sam,

We’ve outlined our thinking here- decisions which were guided both by internal research/interviews with parents, and academic literature (✨with animated treats at the end✨)

*Key references at the end


Science based story books in schools have been linked with improved learning outcomes (11,12,13): 

  • Spark curiosity and inquiry  

  • Foster positive attitudes towards science and enthusiasm  

  • Increase exposure to minorities and female role models 

  • Improve reasoning, remembering and thinking critically

  • Content knowledge in narrative form helps children understand difficult science concepts 


Books in schools have great implementation outcomes (14,15):

  • High teacher familiarity and acceptance with books as an instruction tool 

    • Teachers of years Kindy-Grade 3 read aloud a picture book on average 8/10 days

  • Accessible for teachers and schools with limited funds  

Books in the home lack representation (1,2,3,4,5) 

Parents are concerned with screen time (6,7,8,9,10)

  • 53% of parents are concerned with overuse of technology

  • Electronic features negatively affect parent-child dialog and story comprehension

  • The hour before bedtime/in the bedroom is recommended to be screen free- a time we wanted our books to be in high use. 


Ultimately, we don’t approach this as an either/or decision: books or tech. Both Deb and I come from digital backgrounds, and in early R&D, prototyped a number of different tech enabled products- all with the same mission: to empower young girls to engage in STEM and leadership. We’ve included a sneak peek at our story dice, sound cards and voice activated story companion below! 

We started with books as they:

  • Directly addressed the gender gap and representation in children’s literature- a problem parents were concerned about

  • Are readily accepted by parents and teachers

  • Read nightly by many parents/purchased regularly 

  • Cost effective and accessible to all families 

  • Low production cost/easy entry point

Our product roadmap includes digital development of: 

  • Audio books, Alexa skills and Google assistant actions

  • Digital interactive books (like the ones we made at Google- peabody award winning)

  • Youtube animated shorts (based on books) 

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